WOW, we’re getting ready to close out 2011!

Hopefully by now, you have set out and
determined what you want to accomplish in

If you haven’t started yet, now is the time to
get going!

Before we get to setting 2012 New Year’s goals,
check out our March 2-3 Live Event in
Dallas, Texas: “Creating Cash Flow 24/7”


Here is the link to my next LIVE EVENT
Check it out today, just click here


The best way to close out the year (a good,
bad or flat out ugly year) is to focus your time
and energy on next year and establish at least
3, preferably not more than 5 strategic goals
that will make 2012 your best year yet!

Here’s What You Need to Consider:

The Three Steps to Establishing a Solid Set
of Goals and Objectives:

1. Set Your Organizational Goals and Objectives

SMART goals should be Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Relative and Time-based.

A few ideas to help you get going:

a. Write down the 10 things you want next year,
your “Top 10 List”

b. Choose the 3 to 5 most important things from
your Top 10 List.

………….then get into the details…the by when,
the how and who!

2. Strategies and Tactics

Strategies are the action plans that will help you
achieve your goals and objectives.

Tactics are the specific activities needed to carry
out your strategies.

For each of your goals established, ask the
following questions:

a. WHERE are we now on this goal?

b. WHEN do we want to accomplish this goal by?

c. WHO is the primary owner of this goal?

d. HOW are we going to measure this goal?
(and how often-daily, weekly, etc.)

e. WHAT action steps are needed to reach this
(establish dates and who’s responsible)

Dreams start with Goals

Goals require Plans

Plans require Implementation

Take Action Now!
