Welcome to investing now network

By Jim ingersoll

5 Step Seller Survey

Contract Assignment

purchase with parachute contract

voice mail script

When you focus on the cash flow for your investments, everything else works out fine! The key to real estate is to buy it on-sale (great price), buy it without needing your own cash, without your credit and without a bank!

Focus on your intellectual capital to learn how to invest, then focus on relational capital and everything else will come together for you!

Simply put that is the secret sauce of investing in real estate and succeeding!



How To Go From 8 to 80 Rentals with Michael Zuber

  In this week's podcast, "How To Go From 8 to 80 Rentals", real estate investor and author, Michael Zuber shares his experiences as a property buyer, landlord and how he transitioned from single family rentals to larger, multi-family (commercial) rentals. The...

The Financially Unstoppable Wall w/ Daniil Kleyman

Investing in real estate assets that produce consistent cash flow and long term equity gains can create true financial freedom. Now is the time to stop living paycheck to paycheck and not being prepared for the emergencies that happen in life. This is a discussion on how to do it with Daniil Kleyman.


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