Ever stopped to figure out what is holding you back?

Look, we all started somewhere with a dream and vision of what our life would look like, where we would be at a certain point of our life, with a level of security and peace of mind… and finally some time to just relax!


For the vast majority, that dream is GONE… vanished.  I know

because I was there not too many years ago.

Having worked so hard to get the very best education possible, sacrificing long hours to grow my dental business, nose to the grindstone every single day, believing that if I just did that long enough, success & security would finally arrive!

But things happened,  some because of poor judgement and some that I had absolutely NO CONTROL over in my life.


Do NOT miss this next FREE Real Estate Training and Coaching call this Wednesday July 20, 2012 at 9 pm EST

Option #1
Call in to listen on our conference line
Phone Number: (206) 402-0100
Pin Code: 694793#


Option #2
Listen online through the webcast here
Instant Teleseminar Link for Call


This is my special guest interview that you will NOT want to miss!________________________________________________________

But what I did next, after I got over all my anger & frustration and yelling at the VERY top of my lungs “Life Is Not Fair!” – Then I took Action

And this time was different…

One of my best friends and mentors, John Groom, CPA, was right there with me through the thick and through the thin.  He has watched me go through good times and bad, and always gave me the wisdom that I needed to go that extra mile…

And by taking action, I can say that today, despite the past traumas and failures while I “tested” my theories, and having to overcome myths, that were brain washed into me by well meaning people early in my life… Today is much different!

John Groom has the unique perspective to “look over the shoulders” of many highly successful business and real estate entrepreneurs over the many years of his high end tax and transaction engineering consulting career.  He has seen what works and what does not work for investors.  He what makes one investor successful and what makes another fail!

Is it greed, bad planning or just bad luck?

On our call this Wednesday July 18 and 9 pm EST you can join David Phelps and I as we interview John Groom and discuss the habits of those who have been highly successful, the common traits that were the downfall of well meaning people, how to overcome your obstacles and personal constraints, and forecast to the future!

This is the one call you do NOT want to miss!  Please share this message and join us!


If you have procrastinated and failed to register for our upcoming Ultimate Freedom Without Banks boot camp in Richmond, VA STOP and take that action right now!!!!

David and I have been working on this for months and can’t wait to give you exactly what you need to take your investing business to the next level and find your personal FREEDOM!

Click here to register RIGHT NOW
Freedom Without Banks Boot Camp Registration
